Lyve Cloud Storage as a Service
我们推出新的云存储。Seagate® Lyve™ Cloud 是一种简单、可信、高效的存储即服务。长期的可预测的成本让您完全掌控云计算账单。全球海量数据存储管理领先企业提供始终在线的可用性、出色的安全性和云灵活性,助您盘活数据。
Lyve Cloud 的简单定价结构消除了账单焦虑,而其直观、易用的仪表板可为数据存储成本提供长期的可见性。
Lyve Cloud 中存储的数据将在静态和传输过程中始终加密。实现对象不变性,保护数据免受勒索软件、损坏或删除的影响。
充足存储容量,企业可以更轻松地存储更多数据,而 Seagate 与 Equinix® 的合作为 S3 工作负载提供了计算解决方案。
Lyve Cloud 采用简单的定价模式,零附加费或出站费, 为海量数据存储提供最佳 TCO。
通过支持更出色数据传输的灵活 S3 对象存储,补充您现有的多云策略。客户可将数据源连接到各类基于边缘和云的应用以进行计算。
Lyve Cloud 遵守全球公认的最严格数据安全标准,并通过了 ISO27001 和 SOC2® 认证。借助勒索软件保护、企业级身份管理支持、自动数据复制以及静态和动态数据加密,全方位保护您的数据。
Losing data to human errors, disaster events, or ransomware can destroy entire businesses. Will yours be one of them? Fortify your 3-2-1-1 backup strategy with always-on cloud storage. Multi-region availability, replication, and object immutability make this storage-only cloud an ideal repository for backup storage and disaster recovery that complements your existing multicloud strategy. Get world-class security, proven reliability, and predictable storage costs—all at the best value per terabyte.
Store content-rich files from security environments and media production workflows in a scale-out repository while paying only for the capacity used. This lowers TCO for hybrid or hosted video surveillance as a service and real-time media collaboration, enabling you to access live and recorded video data from anywhere on demand and retain that data securely and efficiently for as long as you need. Seamless integration with AI-enabled technologies supports rich analytics and improves data access for better activation and reuse.
Put mass data generated by IoT devices, application logs, transaction data, and more to work with your choice of compute for S3 workloads. Object storage without cost-prohibitive extras brings predictable economics to big data analytics for data engineering and MLOps. Reliable, secure, and highly available, this flexible solution complements your existing multicloud strategy while maximizing capacity over time.
Optimize your data with data migration, media migration, and digitization.
Simple, cost-effective object storage for occasional data access.
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The Rise of Ransomware and How to Protect With Seagate & Veeam.
Learn how Lyve Cloud's design, features, and services offer max data protection.
Learn how Lyve Cloud supports and extends enterprise data protection strategies.